Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Backstreet Boys

The Backstreet Boys singing live during a concert in Zurich, Switzerland

Diversity in everything! I love rock and punk and metal, but I've also covered some jazz and swing bands in the past. Each genre attracts a certain audience, and last night's as a bit different than the usual male-dominated metal crowd.

The Backstreet Boys at Hallenstadion in Zurich

The Backstreet Boys were back at Hallenstadion, and I went to shoot them. Was curious what it was about them that made thousands of girls screaming their lungs out :-)

The Backstreet Boys

Ok, they've grown older, but they sure still can dance. Can't tell about the singing, I figure with all the dancing that was playback.

The Backstreet Boys are back in Switzerland

But you can't go wrong opening a show with "Everybody"... was a lot of fun! But still - I guess I'll be back shooting ROCK after this brief stint in the cotton candy section ;-)

The Backstreet Boys starting their live performance in Zurich

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There may be an occasional pretaped background vocal section in an occasional song, but for the most part the Backstreet Boys are live. Even when they dance. So yes, they ARE different than Britney and her ilk. So yes, there is heard an occasional sour note (check out previous reviews of the first couple of concert dates this tour. Brian was still recuping from the Swine flu and didn't sound the greatest. The critics noticed.) But that is what happens to performers that don't lipsync and the Backstreet Boys don't!!!!