Sunday, April 19, 2009

Give It A Name: Underoath

Front row fans waiting for rock band UnderOath to take the stage at Give It A Name festival
There's gotta be something about a band when their fans show up like this and wait all through the night in front row without a break to make sure they got the best view once their heroes hit the stage.

Stage setup for UnderOath at Give It A Name festival in Zurich

You kinda could see the posing coming, and I got ready for almost everything. What I wasn't ready for was getting spat water at, so now I'll definitely have to get some new filters for my lenses. I hope that was water ;-)

UnderOath performing live at Volkshaus Zurich for the Give It A Name festival

Thankfully, they then concentrated on their music and their fans and less on annoying the photogs in the pit.

UnderOath live concert at Volkshaus Zurich

The light knob had been turned on again, so I got the opportunity to shoot some posing including a dedicated posing device.

UnderOath performing at Volkshaus, Zurich

Live rockshow with UnderOath at Give It A Name festival Zurich, Switzerland

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