Saturday, April 18, 2009

Give It A Name: Goodbye Fairbanks

Thanks to my friends at Leech*Redda, I had the opportunity to shoot at Give It A Name Switzerland festival. The bill promised a long and crazy night with lots of good music, and in my opinion we weren't let down at all.

Goodbye Fairbanks from Berne perform live at Give It A Name festival

The sound rocked, you should check out the bands if you don't know them! Too bad that moshing and headbanging is a bad idea if you carry a lot of expensive camera stuff, but I was with the crowd in my mind ;-) .

There were so many beautiful people - though I admit to shooting mostly the ones on-stage, if only because they were better lit.

Goodbye Fairbanks' live show at Volkshaus Zurich

The honor of opening the evening was given to Goodbye Fairbanks, a band from Berne that I'd met what feels like in a previous life when I just started out shooting. Great to see that they get some exposure!

Goodbye Fairbanks perform live in Zurich at Volkshaus

There were six bands in total, and as mentioned, everybody war really good-looking, so I have way too many photos for just one post. Goodbye Fairbanks played first, so they get to get the first post. 5 more to come!

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